Saturday, 31 December 2011

Batch File Automation Part-1

Batch File Automation

In the previous post a small detail on how to create a Batch file in MsDos was shown. Just a Batch file by itself is of no use until we have a specific task for it. As an example a Batch file when runs, creates a Notepad file and adds a set of lines in it and saves. This is a very simple example. This kind of requirement is simple in Unix platforms where the shell scripts would help. Similar task can be accomplished by using VB script.

 The structure for such automation is as below

Fig 1 Structure of Automation

In the Fig a batch file would trigger a VB script and the VB script would interact with the application in return

We shall discuss with example how such a structure can be used and automation can be achieved.

Stay tunned……..

Friday, 30 December 2011

Siebel Business Service Part-3

Siebel Business Service Part-3

In the previous post we discussed on different types of Business Services based on where they are created. Let us now discuss what are basic building blocks of Siebel BS.

A Siebel BS mainly consists of Methods and PropertySets.

Methods : one or more operations in BS. For our better understanding we can compare this as any C++/Java program where we have multiple functions defined in it. Based what function is called the functionality of the program would depend on. We will understand this in better way when we see a BS in detail. At this point this should give us a rough idea.

PropertySets : used to pass input/output arguments. As Methods may require Inputs/Outputs these are formed by PropertySets in Siebel. A Property set is a  data structure.

Methods take arguments that can be passed into the object programmatically or, in the case of Siebel EAI, declaratively by way of workflows. We will discuss on this in the upcoming post.

Fig 3.1 Block diagram showing Structure of Siebel Business Service at a High Level.

Fig 3.1 shows the block diagram of Siebel Business Service at a High level. In the above Fig we see that the Business service has Input arguments and Output arguments these can be property sets or just an individual input to the BS. And the Business Service has three methods defined in it namely Update, Reset, Delete Method. Depending on the requirement we can use the Business service by calling any of the Methods in it. 

Siebel Business Service Part-2

Siebel Business Service Part-2

In the previous post, a brief description on Siebel Business Service was discussed. Before we actually move onto the details on how we would implement the Business service, let us know more about BS

We have mainly two types of Business Services based on the type of configuration selected. In other words a Siebel configurator can configure a Business Service either in Siebel tools or Siebel application. So based on this we can classify the Siebel Business service as

*     Repository – Stored Business Service
*     Client – Stored Business Service

Repository – Stored Business Service : These BS are stored in S_SERVICE Table and when used the SRF needs to be complied for the same.

Client – Stored Business Service : These BS are stored in S_RT_SVC Table and when used no need of SRF compile.
Administration->Business Service Screen we can see all the Business services created at Application level.

Siebel Business Service Part-1

Siebel Business Service Part-1

In Simple terms, Siebel Business Service (BS) can be defined as below

*     A Siebel Business Service is an object that encapsulates and simplifies the use of some set of Business functionality.

*     It is a unit of Business functionality which is reusable and globally accessible.

*     It enables business logic which can be executed repeatedly in multiple different contexts.

BS are not tied to specific objects, but rather operate or act upon objects to achieve a particular goal. Example a Business component is tied to a table and an Applet is tied to a Business Component. But a Business service is accessible Globally in Siebel.

All the Siebel Vanilla BS is written in C++ and cannot be customized by the user. But these BS will help to accomplish   most of the Business Requirement specially EAI BS.

All the Custom Business Services are written in Siebel VB or Siebel eScript. These are basically used when requirements are beyond Siebel’s Vanilla functionality.

Example of Use of Siebel Business Services would be

*     While moving data and converting data formats between the Siebel application and  external applications.

*     Business services can also be used outside the context of Siebel EAI to accomplish other types of tasks.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Dos Batch File - Creation

MS Dos Batch File is wonderful creation of Windows which allows Windows users to create a series of commands and put them in a Batch file and then execute the commands on a mouse click.

A DOS Batch file will have a extension as .BAT and this file can be executed directly in the Windows GUI by double clicking it.

Below is a sample example of Batch file used to set the Date and Time using a Batch file

Step 1: Goto Run -> Type cmd -> Command prompt opens -> Type Cd\
Step 2:  Create a new directory for flexibility. Here I am going with Temp
Step 3: Create a file Example. bat as shown below

Step 4: Once the bat file is created go C:\Temp and you should be able to see the bat file created Example.bat
Step5: Double click on the Example.bat it would prompt you would see the System date and it would prompt to enter the new Date. once you enter the Date it would ask for Time is a similar fashion.

Similarly the Batch file can be created using a notepad do not forget to save the notepad file as .bat extension file. 

This article is one small example. There are much more to come. Stay tunned.

Upcoming atriciles
1. Declaring variables in a batch file
2. Opening other non MSDos applications 

PS: Please provide your feed back. Your feedback is most important to improve and provide better articles.

Monday, 17 October 2011


Hi All

I the author of the blog would share my learning and knowledge I gained during my work as a IT professional. This would include various technologies like Siebel, Load Runner, VBS, C, Java etc. Thanks